Sunday, February 27, 2011

What are you doing NOW?!?!...

      For starters, let me introduce myself, I am Michelle via offical certification, I am Shelly to those that love me unconditionally, I am Michie to those that support each other unseen, I am Mommy to the most amazing little girl in all the world, seriously she is, if you don't believe me just ask her dad ;) and currently I am "Mommy" to two of the most resilient little people I know, because of circumstances out of their control "L" and "A" have been in our home for 15 months ... so in short I am myself, family, friend and mommy, both forever and temporary (I was thinking this last part about "forever and temporary" to be about the Mommy gig, but I suppose in certian situations it can apply to all of the above? okay that was my sad attempt at humor, please forgive me ;} )...

So why am I writing this?
Mainly because I am thinking about keeping up with a blog, this blog to be exact ... yep I'm just "thinking" about it, when I actually post on the regular then I guess we can change that to "I am keeping a blog" ...
Well then, why am I "thinking" about keeping this blog?
I guess the short answer is to share, to network and for a creative outlet ... I love to talk, don't believe me ask my brother, he calls it "running my mouth" I like to call it "networking" or "socializing", but whatever you call it, I can do it right here and hey if you want to "listen" read on and if not well then don't ...
What exactly am I "thinking" about sharing, networking, outletting (is outletting a real word?) and talking about?
I suppose that depends on my day, so basically everything in my little corner of the world. Crafts, hair care, foster parenting, family, school, weather, wine, maybe even some creative writing, ect...
Why "Except When it Rains" for a title?
Well because when it rains it pours, right?!?!? No, the truth is I really dont have an answer for that one, I just kinda pulled that outta nowhere, therefore the title of this blog is subject to change, then again I kinda like the name :)

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